Link to ISRA2010 Proceedings and Abstracts Booklet
Link to Author Index
Papers in Presentation Order
K1. Anders Christian Gade “Acoustics for symphony orchestras; status after three decades of experimental research”
Special Session on Stage Acoustics
(Chair: Anders Christian Gade)
O1a. Jens Jørgen Dammerud, Michael Barron and Eckhard Kahle, “Objective assessment of acoustic conditions on concert hall stages – limitations and new strategies”
O1b. Kanako Ueno and Hideki Tachibana, “A consideration on acoustic properties on concert-hall stages”
O1c. John O’Keefe, “Reflection density and attenuation on stages and rehearsal halls”
O1d. Wei-hwa Chiang, Yi-run Chen, Chia-chun Chen and Yen-kun Hsu, “Stage acoustics for vineyard concert hall”
O1e. Wieslaw Woszczyk, Brett Leonard and Doyuen Ko, “Virtual stage acoustics”
General Papers 1
P1a. Roberto Pompoli, Andrea Farnetani and Nicola Prodi, “A note on the acoustics of orchestra rehearsal rooms”
P1b. Hyung Suk Jang, Yong Hee Kim and Jin Yong Jeon, “Absorption of orchestra platform measured for the acoustical design of concert halls”
P1c. Margriet R. Lautenbach and Martijn L.S. Vercammen, “Stage acoustics: Renovation of the concert hall de Doelen, Rotterdam and other stages”
P1d. Carlos Jimenez-Dianderas, “Acoustical behaviour of colonial churches in Peruvian Andean Plateau (Puno, Peru)”
P1e. Joonhee Lee, Craig Schaefer, Hans-Elias de Bree and Ning Xiang, “Scaled-model measurements for coupled volumes using an automated high spatial-resolution scanning system”
P1f. Densil Cabrera, Doheon Lee, Ralph Collins, Bastian Hartmann, William L. Martens and Hayato Sato, “Characterising the variation in oral-binaural room impulse responses for horizontal rotations of a head and torso simulator”
P1g. Peng Jianxin and Bei Chengxun, “Prediction of Chinese speech intelligibility using useful to detrimental sound ratios based on auralization”
P1h. Mohamad Ngasri Dimon, Siti Dhalia Adzim Muhamod Adzim, Hasnizom Hassan and Mohd Zamri Jusoh, “Good speech intelligibility through novel acoustics material of geometric pattern perforated wall in medium size mosques”
P1i. Kenneth Roy and Sean Browne, “Classroom acoustics and green schools”
P1j. Yasushi Hoshino, Hayato Sato, Masayuki Morimoto and Yasuhiko Odagawa, “The relationship between sound insulation performance of walls and word intelligibility scores”
P1k. Maarten Luykx and Martijn Vercammen, “Natural speech intelligibility in theatres in relation to its acoustics”
P1l. Anna Magrini, Lucia Cattani and Lorenza Magnani, “A global index to evaluate the acoustical and thermal behavior of buildings”
P1m. Joo Young Hong, Pyoung Jik Lee, Byung Kwon Lee and Jin Yong Jeon, “Assessment of speech privacy in open plan offices”
P1n. David Borgeaud, “Secret room acoustics”
Special Session on Recordings for Auralization
(Chair: Michael Vorländer)
O2a. Michelle C. Vigeant, Lily M. Wang, Jens Holger Rindel, Claus Lynge Christensen and Anders Christian Gade “Multi-channel orchestral anechoic recordings for auralizations”
O2b. Ron Freiheit, “Creating an anechoic choral recording”
O2c. Martin Pollow and Gottfried Behler, “Directional database for musical instruments to be used for acoustical VR” (abstract only)
O2d. Jukka Pätynen and Tapio Lokki, “Evaluation of concert hall auralization with virtual symphony orchestra”
General Papers 2
P2a. Timothy Gulsrud, “Loudspeaker simulation of a string quartet for in situ listening evaluation”
P2b. Young-ji Choi, Jin-Hak Lee, Hyun-Kyung Joo and Daeup Jeong, “Effect of sample size on measurement of the absorption by seats”
P2c. Chiung Yao Chen, Kuo Feng Hung and Jui Ling Chen, “Study of evaluating Indoor noisiness in hospitals under temporal varieties using autocorrelation analysis”
P2d. Martijn Vercammen, “Improving the accuracy of sound absorption measurement according to ISO 354”
P2e. Sakari Tervo, Teemu Korhonen and Tapio Lokki, “Estimation of reflections from impulse responses”
P2f. Lamberto Tronchin and Milo Coralli, “The acoustic design proposed for a church’s transformation into auditoria”
P2g. Jin You, Jeong Jun Kim and Jin Yong Jeon, “Effects of absorption elements and stage set on the stage house acoustics in a proscenium hall”
P2h. Ingo Witew, Pascal Dietrich, Michael Vorländer and Diemer de Vries, “Uncertainty of room acoustical measurements – How many measurement positions are necessary to describe the conditions in auditoria?”
P2i. Fabio Figueiredo and Jean-Dominique Polack, “Variations on acoustical measurement procedures and their influence on acoustical parameters”
Special Session on Objective and Subjective Measurement Methods
(Chairs: Brian F.G. Katz & Eckhard Kahle)
O3a. John Bradley, “Review of objective room acoustics measures and future needs”
O3b. Alban Bassuet, “New acoustical parameters and visualization techniques to analyze the spatial distribution of sound in music spaces”
O3c. Tapio Lokki, Heikki Vertanen, Antti Kuusinen, Jukka Pätynen and Sakari Tervo, “Auditorium acoustics assessment with sensory evaluation methods”
O3d. Harold Marshall, Thomas Scelo and Peter Exton, “Whole stage imaging for the control of sound strength in concert halls”
General Papers 3
P3a. Rob Harris, “Auditorium acoustic design: 30 years, 15 projects”
P3b. Lamberto Tronchin, “The reconstruction of the Teatro Galli in Rimini: the acoustic design”
P3c. Timothy Gulsrud, Peter Exton, Arthur van der Harten and Larry Kirkegaard, “Room acoustics investigations in Hamer Hall at the Arts Centre, Melbourne”
P3d. Zuhre Su Gul and Mehmet Caliskan, “Acoustical considerations in the design of Heydar Aliyev Center Auditorium”
P3e. Motoo Komoda, Ayako Hakozaki and Yasuhisa Toyota, “Acoustical design of new Danish Radio concert hall”
P3f. Wei-hwa Chiang, Wei Lin, I-Te Yeh and Yen-kun Hsu, “A mid-size concert hall with staggered terraced seating”
P3g. Hyo Joo Yoo, Chun Ki Seo, Jae Ho Kim and Jin Yong Jeon, “Acoustical renovation of large auditorium to enhance sound strength and IACC”
P3h. Jae Ho Kim, Chun Ki Seo, Hyo Joo Yoo and Jin Yong Jeon, “The effect of reflectors on sound strength (G) and IACC in a fan-shape hall”
P3i. Steve Ellison and Roger Schwenke, “The case for widely variable acoustics”
Selected Papers in Auditorium Design
(Chair: Fergus Fricke)
O4a. Alban Bassuet, “The acoustical design of the new national opera house of Greece”
O4b. Hideo Miyazaki, Shinjiro Yamashita, Yasushi Shimizu, Yoshihide Shiba and Ami Tanaka, “The acoustical design of the new Yamaha Hall”
General Papers 4
P4a. Doheon Lee, Densil Cabrera and William L. Martens, “Equal reverberance contours for synthetic room impulse responses listened to directly: Evaluation of reverberance in terms of loudness decay parameters”
P4b. Jasper van Dorp Schuitman and Diemer de Vries, “An artificial listener for assessing content-specific objective parameters related to room acoustical quality”
P4c. Chungeun Kim, Russell Mason and Tim Brookes, “A quasi-binaural approach to head-movement-aware evaluation of spatial acoustics”
P4d. Michelle C Vigeant, Robert D Celmer and David A Dick, “Investigation of the correlation between late lateral sound level and total acoustic absorption, and an overview of a related subjective study”
P4e. Yuki Matsumoto, Masahiro Suzuki, Hisako Ogushi and Akira Omoto, “Application of auditory filter for evaluation of sound and sound field”
P4f. Yong Hee Kim, Hyo Joo Yoo and Jin Yong Jeon, “Perception of scattered sounds in rectangular concert halls”
P4g. Densil Cabrera, Takuma Okamoto, Brian F.G. Katz, Markus Noisternig, Yukio Iwaya and Yo-iti Suzuki, “Considerations in characterising an almost anechoic room for interactive spatial audio reproduction”
P4h. Dirk Schröder, Frank Wefers, Sönke Pelzer, Dominik Rausch, Michael Vorländer and Torsten Kuhlen, “Virtual reality system at RWTH Aachen University”
Keynote 2
K2. Mark A. Poletti, “Active acoustic systems for the control of room acoustics”
General Papers 5
P5a. Takayuki Watanabe and Masahiro Ikeda, “Improvement of the acoustics under the balcony in auditoria using the electro-acoustic method - A study with a full-scale model”
P5b. Deep Sen, Shuai Wang and Qingqing Meng, “Soundfield synthesis with spatio-temporal compensation”
P5c. Csaba Huszty, Sakae Yokoyama and Shinichi Sakamoto, “Application of analytic sweep segments in room acoustic measurements”
P5d. Andrew Wabnitz, Nicolas Epain, Craig Jin and André van Schaik, “Room acoustics simulation for multichannel microphone arrays”
P5e. Roger Schwenke and Steve Ellison, “Objective assessment of active acoustic system performance”
P5f. Robert Anderssohn, Steffen Marburg and Hans-Juergen Hardtke, “Identification of admittance parameters in arbitrarily shaped interiors based on sound pressure measurements using a 3d-FEM-based inverse algorithm”
P5g. Jung Su Kim, Jin Hak Lee, Young Ji Choi and Daeup Jeong, “The effect of an edge on the measured scattering coefficients in a reverberation chamber based on ISO 17497-1”
P5h. Samuel Siltanen, Tapio Lokki and Lauri Savioja, “Room acoustics modeling with acoustic radiance transfer”
Special Session on Computational Room Acoustics
(Chair: Uwe M. Stephenson)
O5a. Samuel Siltanen, Tapio Lokki and Lauri Savioja, “Rays or waves? Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of computational room acoustics modeling techniques”
O5b. Uwe M. Stephenson, “Introducing higher order diffraction into beam tracing based on the uncertainty relation”
O5c. Alexander Pohl and Uwe M. Stephenson, “A combination of the sound particle simulation and the radiosity method”
O5d. Anish Chandak, Lakulish Antani, Micah Taylor and Dinesh Manocha, “Fast and accurate geometric sound propagation using visibility computations”
O5e. Lauri Savioja, Dinesh Manocha and Ming C. Lin, “Use of GPUs in room acoustic modeling and auralization”
O5f. Jens Holger Rindel, “Room acoustic modelling techniques: A comparison of a scale model and a computer model for a new opera theatre”
O6. David Griesinger, “The relationship between audience engagement and the ability to perceive pitch, timbre, azimuth and envelopment of multiple sources” (to be continued Tuesday morning)
Keynote 3
K3. Toshiki Hanyu, “A framework for characterizing sound field diffusion based on scattering coefficient and absorption coefficient of walls”
General Papers 6
P6a. Dirk Schröder, U. Peter Svensson and Michael Vorländer, “Open measurements of edge diffraction from a noise barrier scale model”
P6b. Fausto E. Rodriguez-Manzo and Elisa Garay-Vargas, “The role of sound diffusing surfaces in the quality of the architectural space”
P6c. James Heddle, “Real-valued amplitude reflection grating designs for sound diffusion”
P6d. Jie He and Jian Kang, “Architectural and acoustic features of the caisson ceiling in traditional Chinese theatres”
P6e. Chun Ki Seo, Yong Hee Kim, Pyoung Jik Lee and Jin Yong Jeon, “Acoustical renovation of small auditoria using sound diffusers”
P6f. Lamberto Tronchin and Valerio Tarabusi, “The acoustic design of the Teatro Eschilo, Gela (Italy)”
Special Session on Diffusers and Diffusion
(Chair: Jin Yong Jeon)
O7a. Isabelle Schmich and Nathalie Brousse, “In situ measurement methods for characterising sound diffusion”
O7b. Javier Redondo, Rubén Picó and Víctor Sánchez-Morcillo, “The potential for phononic sound diffusers (PSD)”
O7c. Jin Yong Jeon, Yong Hee Kim and Hyung Suk Jang, “Diffuser design in concert halls using scale models”
Special Session on How Acousticians Listen
(Chair: Pamela Clements)
O8. Leo L. Beranek, J. Christopher Jaffe, Tateo Nakajima, Eckhard Kahle, R. Lawrence Kirkegaard and Pamela Clements, “How acousticians listen”

Published by the Australian Acoustical Society 2010